General Information needed:Copy of your prior years Federal and State Tax Returns. | |
Names, ages and social security numbers for any new dependents. |
All W2 wage, W-2P pension and W-2G state tax refund forms. | |
Any 1099-Misc form from other income sources, including lottery winnings. (Note - If you had lottery winnings, I can deduct any lottery losses incurred during the year) |
Any 1099-R form from any retirement/401K/ESOP/IRA distribution. |
Any 1099-S form displaying the proceeds of a home sale. | |
Any 1099-Int and 1099-Div forms displaying all interest and dividend income. |
Any 1099-B forms displaying sales of stock/mutual funds. We’ll need the date of acquisition for each stock and cost at purchase of each stock or “dollar cost averaging” information. |
Any self employed business and/or rental property income and expense summaries. |
Any self employed health insurance, retirement savings or home office expenses paid during the year. |
Any 1099-G form for unemployment income. | |
Alimony “income” amount, payers name and Soc. Sec. number. | |
Any SSA-1099 form for Social Security Benefits. |
Real estate bills paid during the year, unless you mortgage escrow them. | |
Vehicle excise tax bills paid during the year. | |
Receipts or canceled checks for all charitable contributions paid during the year. |
Listing of any non-reimbursed employer business expenses, safety deposit box payments, investment expenses, union dues, work boots, work laundry costs, work related educational tuition, books, fees and mileage. |
Listing of medical/dental costs incurred only if you suspect they exceed 7.5% of your income. |
Refinancing “points” paid during the year and refinance “settlement statement.” | |
Form 1098 displaying any mortgage interest and real estate taxes paid. | |
Amount or form reporting any home equity loan interest paid. | |
If you had child care expenses, we’ll need the “name and address of provider” their “Soc. Sec. or ID number” and the amount paid during the year for each child. |
Rent paid during the year, landlords name and address, the address you rented and dates you rented. |
Alimony “paid” amount, receipts, name and Soc. Sec. number. | |
College tuition, fees and loan interest paid or financed during the year for each student separately. |